Category: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health

Dr. Anand Setty Balakrishnan

Dr. Anand Setty Balakrishnan

Dr. Anand Setty Balakrishnan

Name: Dr. Anand Setty Balakrishnan
Designation: Associate Professor
Phone: 04366-277230


Biographic Sketch:
Dr Anand Setty Balakrishnan was born in Madurai in 1979. He has completed his masters in Biochemistry in 2000 at Madurai Kamaraj University and PhD biotechnology in Anna University 2008. He was awarded ICMR- SRF from 2004-2006 and visiting scientist at University of Illinois, USA from 2006-2007. He was awarded DBT- Research associateship in 2008-2009 and worked at Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT- Madras), Chennai. He joined as Lecturer In UGC- NRCBS programme at School of Biological sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University from 2009- 2010 and continued as Assistant Professor, Department of Genetic Engineering, School of Biotechnology, Madurai Kamaraj University from 2010- 2024. He was awarded RGYI grant from DBT from 2009- 2013. He was awarded Tamilnadu Young scientist fellowship from Tamilnadu State council for science and technology in 2012.He was awarded UGC- Raman Post doctoral Fellowship in 2013-2014 and worked at New York Blood centre, New York, USA. He was awarded NIH- UIC visiting faculty fellowship from 2021- 2023 and worked at University of Illinois, College of Medicine, USA. He has awarded several travel grant awards like USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, and Greece to present research papers in International conferences. He has awarded extramural research grants from UGC, DBT, Tamilnadu State council for science and technology. He is a life member in ASTMH (USA), FOCIS (USA), Indian Immunology Society, Parasitolgy Society of India, Biotech Research Society of India. He was an elected executive member of Indian Immunology society from 2016-2021. He joined as Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, CUTN from March 2024.

Research Highlights :

Our research primarily focuses on ‘Lymphatic Filariasis’, a major neglected tropical parasitic infection leading to altered lymphatic function and results in severe disability. The main goals of our laboratory include development of diagnostics and therapeutic strategies. We have identified a novel allergen named as Nematode Pan Allergen from B cell epitope monoclonal antibodies derived from filarial Tropical pulmonary Eosinophilia patient sample as part of collaborative work at University of Illinois, USA. This allergen may be potential diagnostic antigen to identify TPE at early stages. Our lab also focuses on using natural herbal compounds in topical dermal agent in the treatment of secondary induced filarial infections.

Recent Publications :

  1. Mitragyna parvifolia as a potential therapeutic agent for Lymphatic Filariasis Jefrillah Jebaseelan, Sheerin Banu Sadi, Abi Prakathi Ravikumar, Jamespandi Annaraj, Anand Setty Balakrishnan: Journal of Parasitic diseases (In press)
  2. Samuel Christopher Katru; Anand Setty Balakrishnan; GnanasekarMunirathinam; AzadehHadadianpour; Scott A Smith; Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram"Identification and Characterization of a Novel Nematode Pan Allergen (NPA) from Wuchereriabancrofti and their Potential Role in Human Filarial Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia (TPE)," PlOs NTD (In press)
  3. Anand Setty Balakrishnan and Ramaswamy KalyanasundaramPhage screening identified antigenic allergens potentially responsible for human filarialTropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia (TPE)ImmuneCONNECT (In press)
  4. AM, NizzyKannan, SAnand, SB June 2019Identification and characterization of bacteria isolated from sago industrial effluentIndian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol 57 pp 427-434ISSN: 00195189, 09751009Impact Factor: 0.78 Citations: 4
  5. Identification of Hydrogen Gas Producing Anaerobic Bacteria Isolated from Sago Industrial Effluent Albert MariathankamNizzySuruliKannan & Setty Balakrishnan Anand (2019):Current Microbiology  Impact Factor: 2.1 Citations:6
  6. EswaramoorthyThirumalaikumar , ChinnaduraiLelin, RamamoorthySathishkumar, SugumarVimal , Setty Balakrishnan Anand , Mariavincent Michael Babu  , ThavasimuthuCitarasu (2021)Oral delivery of pVAX-OMP and pVAX-hly DNA vaccine using chitosan-tripolyphosphate (Cs-TPP) nanoparticles in Rohu, (Labeorohita) for protection against Aeromonashydrophila infectionFish & Shellfish ImmunologyVolume 115, August 2021, Pages 189-197Impact Factor: 3.3 Citations:0
  7. Venkatesan Ramakrishnan, Xavier Alexander Marialouis, JagadesanSankarasubramanian, AmuthaSanthanam, Anand Setty BalakrishnanWhole Genomic analysis of a clinical isolate of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain of Sequence Type - 101 carrying the drug resistance NDM-7 in IncX3 plasmid Bioinformation 17(1): 126-131 2021Impact Factor: 0 Citations:0
  8. A. M. Nizzy, S. Kannan &S. B. Anand(2022)Feasibility study of biohydrogen production using Clostridium sartagoforme NASGE 01 from cassava industry effluentInternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Factor: 2.86
  9. Anand Setty Balakrishnan, Abel Arul Nathan, Mukesh Kumar, Sathish Kumar R M, Sudhakar(2017)Withania somnifera targets Interleukin-8 and Cyclooxygenase-2 in human prostate cancer progression Prostate International. IF: 0.6Citations: 14
  10. Abel Arul Nathan, Madhulika Dixit,SubashBabu, Anand Setty Balakrishnan(2017) Comparison and functional characterization of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from filarial lymphedema and endemic normal of South Indian population Volume22, Issue11November 2017Pages 1414-1427Tropical Medicine & International Health.Impact factor:2.423
  11. T Citarasu, C Lelin, MM Babu, SB Anand, AA Nathan, VN Vakharia(2019) Impact Factor Oral vaccination of Macrobrachiumrosenbergii with baculovirus-expressed M. rosenbergiinodavirus (MrNV) capsid protein induces protective immunity against MrNV challenge Fish & shellfish immunology Volume 86 Pages1123-1129):Imapct factor:3.387

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