Dr. Taddi Murali

Dr. Taddi Murali

Name: Dr. Taddi Murali
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone: 04366-277230
Email: taddimurali@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
I did my M.L.I.Sc Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, Department of Library and Information Science, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. I served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Library and Information Science, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam, for about 12 years, i.e. from 4.10.2005 to 15.8.2017 Regarding my Teaching Experience:1. During this period, I used to teach 3 Practical Papers-Written Practical’s Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC, UDC & CC) And for about 12 Years. And also teach Cataloguing practice AACR2 and MARC formats practice and theory papers for both Previous Final Years During the above period, I have produced about 50 MLISC Dissertations for 100 Marks as a Research Guide for the final year MLISC students, in different Academic Years At the Central University of Tamil Nadu., Thriuvarur since 2017- I used to teach Practical Paper i.e. (UDC) and AACR2R for 2 years for both my Previous and Final Years. Regarding the theory papers; I used to teach the following papers Digital Library and content management; Research Methodology; Information Literacy I taught the above paper for both Previous Final Years Since 2017 to till to date for both Previous and Final Years. I am also guiding the MLISC Dissertations for the Final year students till to date I have produced about 10 dissertations. During the Covd-19 period, I have thoroughly and regularly conducted Online Classes and I used to send the Notes a PPT format as per the students. I took lot of interest to make them ready to attend the examinations with full confidence. I used to attend and discharge all the teaching; research and examination and academic administrative duties assigned by my superiors and heads of the Departments. I was appointed and served as NSS Coordinator, for three years, i.e.16.4.2019 to 28.8.2022 during this period I have conducted a good number of ‘socio-economic and cultural programs and webinars on different subject areas. I was also appointed as an In-Charge to conduct the UGC Net preparation classes during 13.2.2018 and I have conducted the program successfully, which was assigned by the administration. I have also conducted the Special Classes, for the benefit of the students to update themselves, to have better performance in the ensuing examinations. Besides discharging the regular class teaching and research.

Research Highlights :

Regarding my Research Activity; I did my Ph.D. on Literature Use Patterns Among the Researcher in English Language and Literature: A Bibliometric Study  About my Research Publications: I have published 10 articles in National and International Journals; and in UGC Care List Journals and Scopus Index Journals.

Attending to National and International Conferences and Seminars:  I have attended and presented research papers in 28 Conferences/Seminars, held in various Indian Universities and Institutions.

Regarding my publications: I have edited Two Books, on Research Methodology and Elective Paper on Academic Libraries for Distance Education; Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

My concentration of research areas deals with the subjects: 1. User Studies on Academic; Special and Public Libraries; 2. Use Patterns of Electronic Resources in Engineering College Libraries; Medical College Libraries; Law Libraries etc.; Automation and Digital Libraries, Management; Organisation; Sources and Services; 3. Bibliometric Studies; Webometrics Studies, and Importance growth studies.

Recent Publications :

Murali, T. (2018). Information Literacy Models for Libraries, IALA Journal 2018, UGC approved Journal, NO. 425. vol.6 p.175-185 ISSN: 2319-1392.  

5Murali, T. (2019). Digital Content Management Library Services: A Study IJMER. Vol.8,4(3) p.118-123, Impact factor 6.014, IC value; 5.16, ISI value: 2.289.  ISSN 2277-788

Srinivas, S., & Murali, T. (2021). Awareness and Use Pattern of Electronic Resources among the Doctoral Research Scholars of Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India: A study. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), Article no. 5154. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5154 Scopus Index journal

Srinivas, S., & Murali, T. (2021). Awareness and use Pattern of Electronic Resources among the students of Government Dental College Libraries in Andhra Pradesh: A Study Research Journey international electronic Research Journal, 266 (E) Impact factor 6.625 E-ISSN 2348-7143

Srinivas, S., & Murali, T. (2021). Awareness and Use of NTR MEDNET Digital Library Consortium e sources among the Postgraduate Students of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, International Journal of Library Information Network. 6 (2) Scopus index journal

Murali, T. (2022). Reading Culture and Changing Technological Environment (2022) Journal of electronics Information Technology Science and Management, pp. 253-259. V12. (9), UGC care Group-II/ Website: https:// jeitsm.com/ ISSN No:0258-7982/DOI:10.37896/JEISMV12.9/124 Scopus index journal

Murali, T. (2023). Use Patterns of Social Networking Sites by Medical Professionals Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) At Srikakulam in Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 12, (3) pp. 47-50. ISSN: 2277-7881. JISRAF Impact factor: 8.017, IC:5.16 ISIV:2.286. UGC approved Journal.

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