Official Language
July 14, 2023 2024-04-28 13:21Official Language
Official Language
Aspects of Official Language: राजभाषा स्वरूप – राजभाषा सरकारी काम-काज की भाषा के रूप मे मान्य एवं स्वीकृत भाषा है । 14 सितम्बर 1949 को संविधान सभा द्वारा हिंदी को संघ की राजभाषा के रूप में स्वीकार किया गया । भारत सरकार के कार्यालय, स्वामित्व, नियंत्रण, अधीन, उपक्रम संस्थाओं में राजभाषा के समुचित कार्यान्वयन की रूप रेखा भारत सरकार द्वारा तैयार एवं प्रसारित की जाती है । इस संदर्भ मेंराजभाषा से संबंधित सर्वोच्च समिति केंद्रीय हिंदी समिति होती है । इस समिति की अध्यक्षता प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा की जाती है ।
राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति –
राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन को प्रभावी एवं कारगर बनाने के उद्देश्य से भारत सरकार द्वारा कार्यालय ज्ञापन सं – 4/41/70-रा.भा.एकक, दिनांक – 12.10.1970 की अधिसूचना द्वारा भारत सरकार के संबंद्ध एवं अधिनस्थ कार्यालयों में भी राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति के गठन को सुनिश्चित किया गया ।
तमिलनाडु केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में संस्थान स्तरीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति के अध्यक्ष माननीय कुलपति प्रो. एम. कृष्णंन हैं । संस्थान भारत सरकार की राजभाषा नीति-निर्देशों के समुचित अनुपालन के लिए सर्वथा कृत संकल्प है । इस अनुक्रम में राजभाषा विभाग संस्थान में राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन के प्रति सचेत है । विभाग द्वारा संस्थान के वार्षिक प्रतिवेदन, लेखा, लेखा-परीक्षा प्रतिवेदन का द्विभाषी प्रकाशन, संस्थान में प्रयुक्त नाम-सूचना पट्ट का द्विभाषी/त्रिभाषी प्रदर्शन, कार्यशालाओं का आयोजन, कर्मचारियों को हिंदी शिक्षण के अवसर उपलब्ध कराना सुनिश्चित किया जा रहा है ।
प्रतिदिन राजभाषा अनुभाग द्वारा आज का शब्द इलक्ट्रॉ निक बोर्ड में प्रदर्शित किया जा रहा है। आज का विचार धवलपट्ट में प्रदर्शित किया जा रहा है। जिससे कर्मचारियों को क्षेत्रीय भाषा के माध्यम से हिंदी शब्दों से परिचित करवाया जाएगा । इसके साथ साथ विभाग समय-समय पर राजभाषा विभाग, गृह-मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार एवं विश्व विद्यालय अनुदान आयोग, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के राजभाषा संबंधी निर्देशों का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करने के उपक्रम हेतु प्रतिबद्ध है ।
राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति के सदस्य-
नाम Name | पदनाम Designation | पद Position | |
प्रो. एम. कृष्णन् Prof. M. Krishnan | कुलपति Vice-Chancellor | अध्यक्ष Chairman | |
प्रो. आर. तिरुमुरुगन Prof. R. Thirumurugan | कुलसचिव Registrar | कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष Executive Chairman | |
प्रो. सुलोचना शेखर Prof. Sulochana Shekhar | परीक्षा नियंत्रक Controller of Examinations | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. पी. रविंद्रन Dr. P. Ravindran | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (भौतिकी) Professor And Head (Physics) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो. एस. नागराजन Prof. S. Nagarajan | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (रसायन) Professor And Head (Chemistry) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो.एस.वी.एस.एस.नारायण राजू Prof. S.V.S.S.Narayana Raju | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (हिंदी) Professor And Head (Hindi) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. ई. वेंकटेशम Dr. E. Venkatesham | सहायक आचार्य व प्रभारी विभागाध्यक्ष (भूगोल) Assistant Professor And Head i/c (Geography) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. तंगपाण्डियन के Dr. Thangapandian K | सहायक आचार्य व प्रभारी विभागाध्यक्ष (इतिहास) Assistant Professor And Head i/c (History) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो. पी. श्रीनिवासन Prof. P. Srinivasan | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (शिक्षा) Professor And Head (Education) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. के. श्रीनिवास मूर्ति Dr. K. Sreenivasa Murthy | सह आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (प्रबंधन) Associate Professor And Head (Management) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो. पी. राजगुरु Prof. P. Rajaguru | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (जैवप्रौद्योगिकी) Professor And Head (Biotechnology) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो. वी. प्रेमलता Prof. V. Premalatha | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (संगीत) Professor And Head (Music) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. एन. राजगोपाल Dr. N. Rajagopal | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष(अर्थशास्त्र) Professor And Head (Economics) | सदस्य Member | |
प्रो. एन. गोपालन Prof. N. Gopalan | आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष(ईपीएच) Professor And Head (EPH) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. बी. राधा Dr. B. Radha | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (मीडिया एवं संचार) Associate Professor And Head (Media and communication) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. एस. जयरामन Dr. S. Jayaraman | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (शारीरिक शिक्षा एवं खेल-कूद) Associate Professor And Head(Physical Education and Sports) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. जी. रमेश Dr. G. Ramesh | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (तमिल) Associate Professor & Head (Tamil) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. तड्डी मुरली Dr. Taddi Murali | सहायक आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (पुस्तकालय एवं सूचना विज्ञान) Assistant Professor & Head (Library and Information Science) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. दीपक एम. सकाते Dr. Deepak M.Sakate | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (सांख्यिकी एवं अनुप्रयुक्त गणित) Associate Professor & Head(Statistics and Applied Mathematics) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. रावणन पी Dr. Ravanan P | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (सूक्ष्मजीवविज्ञान) Associate Professor & Head (Microbiology) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. चंद्र मौलि पी.वी.एस.एस.आर Dr. Chandra Mouli P.V.S.S.R. | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (कंप्यूटर विज्ञान) Associate Professor & Head (Computer Science) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. ए. विनोदन Dr. A. Vinodan | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (वाणिज्य) Associate Professor & Head (Commerce) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. अंकतिरघु Dr. Ankathi Raghu | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (पर्यटनएवंआतिथ्यप्रबंधन) Associate Professor & Head(Tourism & Hospitality Management) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. वी. रेणुकादेवी Dr. V. Renuka Devi | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (गणित) Associate Professor & Head (Mathematics) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. ए. रमेशकुमार Dr. A. Ramesh Kumar | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (बागवानी) Associate Professor & Head (Horticulture) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. के. सेतुरामन Dr. K. Sethuraman | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (पदार्थविज्ञान) Associate Professor & Head (Material Science) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. बी. जे. गीता Dr. B. J. Geetha | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (अंग्रेज़ीअध्ययन) Associate Professor & Head (English Studies) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. बालमुरुगन गुरु Dr. Balamurugan Guru | सह-आचार्य व विभागाध्यक्ष (भूविज्ञान) Associate Professor & Head (Geology) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. एन.सिवकामी Dr. N.Sivakami | सहायक आचार्य व प्रभारी विभागाध्यक्ष (समाजकार्य) Assistant Professor& Head i/c (Social work) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. वी.विथ्या Dr. V.Vithya | सहायक आचार्य व प्रभारी विभागाध्यक्ष (अनुप्रयुक्त मनोविज्ञान) Assistant Professor& Head i/c (Applied Psychology) | सदस्य Member | |
डॉ. बालशण्मु गमएस के Dr. Balashanmugam SK | सहायक आचार्य व प्रभारी विभागाध्यक्ष (विधि) Assistant Professor& Head i/c (Law) | सदस्य Member | |
श्री. ए.आर.वेंकटकृष्णन Shri. A. R. Venkatakrishnan | संयुक्तकुलसचिव Joint Registrar | सदस्य Member | |
श्रीप्रपंचसी SreePrapanch C | जनसंपर्कअधिकारी Public Relation Officer | सदस्य Member | |
सुश्रीसबितारानीए.एम Ms. Sabitha Rani A.M | हिन्दी अधिकारी Hindi Officer | सदस्य सचिव Member Secretary |
Name of the staff | Designation | Telephone /Ext. No. | |
सुश्री सबिता रानी ए. एम Ms. Sabitha Rani A.M | हिंदी अधिकारी Hindi Officer | | 04366-277319 |
सुश्री दीपिका के Ms. DeepikaK | कनिष्ठ हिंदी अनुवाद अधिकारी Hindi JuniorTranslation Officer | | 04366-277319 |
श्री सी. कार्तिकेयन Mr. C. Karthikeyan | हिंदी टंकक Hindi Typist | | 04366-277319 |
Department of Official Language always takes the opportunity to avant-gardeto ensure compliance of Official Language in the institution. The department hereby presents theyear wise purposeful initiatives taken as follows.
Workshop for TOLIC Members – (30.04.2021)
Chairman Office TOLIC, Thiruvarur has organized a workshop for member offices to make them aware about the Present scenario of Official Language.Dr.A. Srinivasan, RajbhashaAdhikari, Southern Railway, DRM office, Madurai was present as an expert & interacted with the participants.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting– (30.07.2021) The meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of CUTN held under the chairmanship of respected Registrar in-charge Dr. R. Parameswaran (Executive Chairman), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. P. Srinivasan, Dr. V. Rajendiran, Ms. BinnyBinu and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting (Offline) whereas Dr. R. Shamala and Mrs. Esakkiammal were attended through virtual mode.
TOLIC Meeting – 31.08.2021 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s first semester meeting constituted through online mode at 3:30 pm. The Hon’ble Chairperson Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Member Secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam. Prof. S.V.S.S Narayan Raju (Hindi Department, CUTN), Smt. Deepika. K (Hindi Junior Translation Officer, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi Typist, CUTN), Shri. Gajendran, Superintendent, Post Office,Thiruvaruralong with representative Shri. Umapathi, Assistant Superintendent, Post Office, Thiruvarur were attended the meeting through offline mode, whereas Shri. K. Thomas, Principal and Shri. LokeshJeenagar, PRT of KV (CUTN), Smt. NiloferFardouse, IOB, Thiruvarur, Shri. GyanendranChoudhary, Manager, Central Bank of India, Sandeep, Canara bank-Muthupettai, Shri. RamcharanMeena, Indian Railway, Mr. Sriram, Manager, SBI-CUTN were present in the meeting through online mode.
Hindi Fortnight Celebration – (14.09.2021 – 28.09.2021) CUTN has celebrated Hindi fortnight from 14 to 28 September 2021 to accelerate the implementation of Official Language with constitutionsmotto of incentive & inspiration. During this celebration 14 competitions were organized through hybrid mode(online+offline mode) with a participation of 150 members; out of which 65 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. It is to be noted that Hindi Quiz competition, Hindi Song singing competitions, Hindi Essay writing competition, Hindi Handwriting Competition, Hindi Poem Recitation, Hindi story telling, Administrative Glossary,Noting writing Competition, Extract reading competition were organized during the fortnight.Prof. Nirmala S. Maurya, Vice-Chancellor, Veer Bahadur Singh Poorvanchal University and Dr. S. Vijaya, General Manager (Retd.), Official Language, SBI, Chennaiwere present as an expert & interacted with the participants.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (13.12.2021) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Prof. SulochanaShekhar (Executive Chairman), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Dr.ManasPratimGoswami, Dr. R. Shamala, Dr.Preeti R. Gotmare, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Dr. Priyanka Singh Rao, Ms. BinnyBinu and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
World Hindi Day (04.01.2022 to 10.01.2022) CUTN has celebrated World Hindi Day from 4th to 10th January 2022 to accelerate the implementation of Official Language. During this celebration 09 competitions were organized through hybrid mode(online+offline mode) with a participation of 71 members; out of which 55 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. Valedictory function was inaugurated by Dr. S. Vijaya, General Manager (Retd.), Official Language, SBI, Chennai. It is to be noted that, Hindi Song singing competitions, Hindi speech competition, Dumb charades, Hindi Dictation, Hindi Reading competition, Hindi Skit competitions were organized during the said occasion.
TOLIC Meeting – 31.01.2022 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s second semester meeting constituted through online mode on 31.01.2022 at 3:30 pm. The Hon’ble Chairperson Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Executive Chairman Prof. SulochanaShekhar (Registrar in-charge, CUTN), Prof. S.V.S.S Narayan Raju (Hindi Department, CUTN), Member Secretary, Dr. P. Rajaretnam, Smt. Deepika K (Hindi Junior Translation Officer, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi Typist, CUTN) were attended the meeting through offline mode whereas other TOLIC Members were present in the meeting through online mode.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting (04.04.2022) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Prof. SulochanaShekhar (Executive Chairman), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Dr.Preeti R. Gotmare, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Dr. Priyanka Singh Rao, Ms. Esakkiammal and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
Hindi E-Learning The Hindi learning class for the staff were continued through online due to pandemic crisis to create interest and development in Hindi Language.
Prati Din EkShabd In order to getfamiliarize with Administrative terms, ‘Prati Din EkShabd’is being followed like yesteryear.Daily one word/phrases inHindi along with its Tamil and Englishequivalent is beingdisplayed on the Electronic board installed in Admin Block. Thiswords/phrases are generally of administrative and technical in nature which are used inday-to-day official work.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (28.06.2022) The meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Registrar In-charge Prof. S. Nagarajan (Executive Chairman), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Prof. P. Sigamani, Dr.ManasPratimGoswami, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Dr. Priyanka Singh Rao, Ms. BinnyBinu, Ms. Esakkiammal and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
Workshop for TOLIC Members – (19.08.2022) Chairman Office TOLIC, Thiruvarur has organized a workshop for member offices to make them aware about the about the constitutional provisions of Official Language, Hindi Grammar and spoken Hindi. Dr.ShyamBabu Sharma, Translation Officer, IGNOU, Regional Centre Shilong(Meghalaya), Smt. Amuthavalli, Assistant Director, Hindi Teaching Scheme, Official Language section, Trichy, Dr. P. Rajaretnam, Hindi Officer (i/c), CUTN were present as an expert & interacted with the participants.
TOLIC Meeting – 19.08.2022 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s first semester meeting constituted on 19.08.2022 at 10:30 pm in Smart class room, Department of Hindi, Central University of Tamilnadu. The Hon’ble Chairperson Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Executive Chairman Prof. Sulochana Shekhar (Registrar in-charge, CUTN), Prof. S.V.S.S Narayan Raju (Department of Hindi, CUTN), Member Secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam (Hindi Officer in-charge, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi typist, CUTN) and other TOLIC Members were present in the meeting.
Hindi Fortnight Celebration – (19.09.2022 – 03.10.2022) CUTN has celebrated Hindi fortnight from 19th September to 03rd October 2022 to accelerate the implementation of Official Language with constitutions motto of incentive & inspiration. During this celebration 17 competitions were organized through hybrid mode(online+offline mode) with a participation of 171 members; out of which 68 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. It is to be noted that Hindi Quiz competition, Hindi Song singing competitions, Hindi Essay writing competition, Hindi Rewriting Competition, Hindi Poem Recitation, Hindi Story telling, Administrative Glossary,Noting writing Competition, Extract reading competition were organized during the fortnight.Dr. Prakash C. Barthuniya, Chancellor, BabasahebBheemarao Ambedkar University, Lucknow and Dr. J. Senthamarai, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Hindi, SeethalakshmiRamaswamy College, Trichy were present as an expert & interacted with the participants.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (26.10.2022) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Registrar In-charge, Prof. S. SulochanaShekhar (Executive Chairman), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. P. Sigamani, Dr.ManasPratimGoswami, Dr.Preeti R. Gotmare, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Dr. Priyanka Singh Rao, Ms. BinnyBinu, Ms. Esakkiammal and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
World Hindi Day (10.01.2023 to 18.01.2023) CUTN has celebrated World Hindi Day from 10th to 18th January 2023 to accelerate the implementation of Official Language. During this celebration 10 competitions were organized through hybrid mode (online+offline mode) with a participation of 72 members; out of which 32 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. Valedictory function was inaugurated by Shri K. Anil Kumar, Chief Manager, Official Language, SBI, Coimbatore. It is to be noted that, Hindi Song singing competitions, Hindi speech competition, Hindi Poem writing competition, Solo Dance, Hindi Tongue Twister, Just a Minute, Hindi Dictation, Hindi Alphabetical order and Riddle competitions were organized during the said occasion.
TOLIC Meeting – 07.02.2023 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s second semester meeting was organized on 07.02.2023 at 3:00 pm in VC Conference room, Admin Block, Central University of Tamilnadu. The Hon’ble Chairperson Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Executive Chairman Prof. SulochanaShekhar (Registrar in-charge, CUTN), Prof. S.V.S.S Narayan Raju (Department of Hindi, CUTN), Member Secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam (Hindi Officer in-charge, CUTN), Mrs. Deepika K. (Hindi Junior Translation Offier, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi typist, CUTN) and other TOLIC Members were present in the meeting.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (28.03.2023) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Dr.ManasPratimGoswami, Dr. R. Shamala, Dr.Preeti R. Gotmare, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Ms. BinnyBinu, Ms. Esakkiammal and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
Hindi Learning The Hindi learning class for the staff were conducted through offline to create interest and development in Hindi Language.
Prati Din EkShabd In order to get familiarize with Administrative terms, ‘Prati Din EkShabd’ is being followed like yesteryear.Daily one word/phrases in Hindi along with its Tamil and English equivalent is being displayed on the Electronic board installed in Admin Block. This words/phrases are generally of administrative and technical in nature which are used in day-to-day official work.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (26.06.2023) The meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of CUTN held under the chairmanship Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Executive Chairman Prof. SulochanaShekhar (Registar in-charge), Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Prof. Sigamani, Dr.ManasPratimGoswami, Dr.Preeti R. Gotmare, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Ms. BinnyBinu, Ms. Esakkiammal and Member secretary Dr. P. Rajaretnam were present in the meeting.
TOLIC Meeting – 23.08.2023 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s Half Yearly meeting was organized on 23.08.2023 at 11.00 a.m in VC Conference room, Admin Block, Central University of Tamilnadu. The Hon’ble Chairman Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Executive Chairman Prof. R Thirumurugan (Registrar, CUTN), Faculties of Hindi Department Prof. SVSS Narayana Raju (HOD, CUTN), Dr. P. Rajaretnam (Associate Professor, CUTN), Mrs. Deepika K. (Hindi Junior Translation Offier, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi typist, CUTN) and other TOLIC Members were present in the meeting.
Hindi Fortnight Celebration – (14.09.2023 – 29.09.2023) CUTN has celebrated Hindi fortnight from 14th to 29th September 2022 to accelerate the implementation of OL with constitutions motto of incentive & inspiration. During this celebration 13 competitions were organized through hybrid mode (online+offline mode) in which 95 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. It is to be noted that Hindi Quiz competition, Hindi Song singing competitions, Hindi Essay writing competition, Hindi Rewriting Competition, Hindi Poem Recitation, Hindi Story telling, Administrative Glossary,noting writing Competition, Extract reading competition were organized during the fortnight.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (04.10.2023) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan. Registrar Prof. R. Thirumurugan(Executive Chairman),Prof. S. Nagarajan, Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. SulochanaShekhar, Prof. N. Gopalan, Dr.Pranjal Garg, Prof. P. Srinivasan, Prof. P. Rajaguru, Dr. S Seethalakshmi, Dr. T.K Venkatachalapathy, Prof. G. Ravindran, Dr. V. Ramesh Kumar, Dr.TaddiMurali, Dr.Deepak.MSakate, Dr.Ravanan P, Dr. A. Vinodan, Dr. V. Renuka Devi, Dr. A. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. K. Sethuraman, Dr.Balamurugan Guru, Dr.ChittaranjanSubudhi, Dr.Mamman Joseph C, Dr.Balashanmugam SK, SreePrapanch C and Member secretary Ms. Sabitha Rani A.M were present in the meeting.
Workshop for CUTN Staff – (22.12.2023) Official Language, CUTN has organized a workshop for CUTN staff to make them aware about the about the Rajbhasha policy and how to do Official work in Hindi and also gave the training on Basic Hindi (Alphabets), Verb and sentence making exercises and spoken Hindi.
World Hindi Day (08.01.2024 to 10.01.2024) CUTN has celebrated World Hindi Day from 08th to 10th January 2024 to accelerate the implementation of Official Language. During this celebration 05 competitions were organized through hybrid mode (online+offline mode) with a participation of 32 members; out of which 20 winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates on the Valedictory function. It is to be noted that, Hindi Extempore competitions, Hindi Handwriting competition, Hindi online Quiz competitions were organized during the said occasion.
TOLIC Meeting – 23.01.2024 Town Official Language Implementation Committee’s second semester meeting was organized on 23.01.2024 at 11:00 am in VC Conference room, Admin Block, Central University of Tamilnadu. The Hon’ble Chairperson Prof. M. Krishnan (Vice-chancellor, CUTN), Executive Chairman Prof.R.Thirumurugan(Registrar, CUTN), Prof.SulochanaShekhar (COE, CUTN), Mr. Harihar Sudan (Indian Bank), Mr. Suryarajkumaran(Canara Bank), Ms. M Arathi (Post office), Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh (South Railway Thiruchirappalli), Mr. V Ravi (Railway, Thiruvarur), Dr.Suchi Mishra(KV CUTN), Ms S kannika (KV CUTN), Mr.Deepan (SBI CUTN), Ms. R Akhila (Bank Of India), Mr. GyanendraChaudary (Central Bank of India), Mr. P. Maheswaran ( Punjab National Bank), Ms. V. Vijayalakshmi (Bank of Maharashtra), Member Secretary Ms. Sabitha Rani AM (Hindi Officer, CUTN), Mrs. Deepika K. (Hindi Junior Translation Offier, CUTN), Mr. C. Karthikeyan (Hindi typist, CUTN) and other TOLIC Members were present in the meeting.
Workshop for TOLIC Members – (01.03.2024) Chairman Office TOLIC, Thiruvarurhas organized a workshop for member offices to make them aware about the about the Usage of Technology inOfficial Language Implementation. Shri K. Anil Kumar, Chief Manager (OL), SBI, were present as an expert & interacted with the participants.
Workshop for CUTN Students – (01.03.2024) Official Language, CUTN has organized a workshop on Career opportunities in Official Language for CUTN students. Ms. Sabitha Rani A.M. Hindi Officer has explained the Scope and opportunities in Official Language& interacted with the participants.
Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting: (20.03.2024) The Official Language Implementation Committee meeting of CUTN held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. M. Krishnan, Registrar Prof. R. Thirumurugan (Executive Chairman),Prof.SulochanaShekhar, Prof. S. Nagarajan, Prof S.V.S.S Narayana Raju, Prof. N. Gopalan, Prof. P. Srinivasan,Dr. N. Rajagopal, Dr. K. Mohanraj, Dr. B. Radha, Dr. G. Ramesh, Dr.TaddiMurali, Dr. DeepakM.Sakate, Dr.Ravanan P, Dr. Chandra Mouli PVSSR, Dr. A. Vinodan, Dr.Ankathi Raghu, Dr. V. Renuka Devi, Dr.MoumithaMalakar,Dr. N. Sivakami, Dr. V. Vithya, Dr.SangeethaSriraam,Dr. E. Venkatesham, Dr.Thangapandian K, Dr.Balamurugan Guru, Dr.Preethi R Gotmare, Dr. S Seethalakshmi and Member secretary Ms. Sabitha Rani A.M were present in the meeting.
Hindi Learning The Hindi learning class for the staff were conducted through offline to create interest and development in Hindi Language
Prati Din EkShabd In order to get familiarize with Administrative terms, ‘Prati Din EkShabd’ is being followed like yesteryear.Daily one word/phrases in Hindi along with its Tamil and English equivalent is being displayed on the Electronic board installed in Admin Block. This words/phrases are generally of administrative and technical in nature which are used in day-to-day official work.
SPOKEN HINDI Spoken Hindi class is being conducted for staff and students from 06.03.2024 to 24.04.2023 (in every Wednesday)
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Hindi Officer
Central University of Tamilnadu
Thiruvarur – 610 005