Dr. K. Damodaran

Dr. K. Damodaran

Name: Dr. K. Damodaran
Designation: Professor & Head
Phone: 04366-277230
Email: damodaran@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Dr K. Damodaran is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, CUTN. He has completed his P.G., M.Phil., PhD, M.B.A in Annamalai University and his research specialization is Environmental Economics. He is a Gold Medallist in M.A., Economics. He got Gold Medal for Best Student in Economic Journalism from the Southern India Chamber of Commerce and India (SICCI), 2005. Currently, he is guiding M.A. and PhD Research Scholars in Economics. He has delivered twelve special lectures in various Colleges and Universities. He has published 38 articles in National and International journals. He has published four centre page articles in the leading daily (Dinamani and The Hindu Tamil Thasai) of Tamil Nadu and one piece in The Hindu Open Page. He has published nine books wherein, three reference books and six edited books. He has presented papers at various national and international conferences. He is a Lifetime Member of the Association of Economists of Tamil Nadu and a Decadal Member of the Indian Economists Association Trust. His research interests are Agricultural Economics, Rural Development, Environmental Economics and Health Economics.

Research Highlights :

My research interest is in the area of Environmental Economics. My students and scholars do projects under me in the area of institutional economics, environmental management, energy economics, and sustainable development. My research publications are on property rights, tenancy rights, sustainable agriculture, economic burden of pollution, peri-urban growth and environment, and environmental valuation.

Recent Publications :

K. Damodaran (2019). Zero Budget Farming in India: Issues and Prospects, Int. Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Volume 09 Issue 06, June, Page 347-349, ISSN: 2250-0588, [UGC No. 42301].
K. Damodaran (2019). Economic Burden of Pollution and Health in India, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Science, Volume 09, Issue 07, July 2019, Page 17-20, ISSN: 2249-7382, [UGC No. 48858].
K. Damodaran (2021). Property Rights and Technology Adoption for Agricultural Sustainability in Tamil Nadu, Indian Journal of Ecology, Volume 48 Issue 02, Page 458-465, ISSN:0304-5250, [Listed in Scopus, Web of Science, and UGC Care List II].
K. Damodaran (2021). Women in Decision-Making Roles in India: An Analytical Study, Human Rights International Research Journal, Volume 9 Issue 02, Page 101-109, ISSN: 2320- 6942, [Peer Reviewed].
K. Damodaran (2021). Property Rights and Investment in Agriculture: Evidence from Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu, India Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 68, Issue 1-3, Page 1-7. ISSN:0971-8923, [Peer Reviewed].
K. Damodaran (2021). Gender Discrimination in India: An Unresolved Issue, Social Sciences International Research Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 214-217, ISSN: 2395- 0544, [Peer Reviewed].
K. Damodaran and Alen Jo Vincent (2021). Measuring Environmental Impact on Property Value in Kochi: A Hedonic Approach, Journal of Xidian University, Volume 16, Issue 6, Page 237-245, ISSN: 1001-2400, [Listed in Scopus and UGC Care List II].
K. Vishaal and K. Damodaran (2022). Social, Economic and Environmental Dynamics of Peri-Urban Growth, International Journal of Environment and Management, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 187-196, ISSN: 0770-3393, [Peer Reviewed].
P.S. Sarathlal, K. Damodaran, and B.S. Sumalatha (2023). Do Devolution of Funds from a State Government Strengthen Local Governments? Policy Lessons from Kerala State, Aarthika Charche, Volume 8, Number 1, Page 19-34, ISSN: 2455-6483 [Indexed in UGC Care List I].

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