Dr. Moumita Malakar
July 31, 2023 2023-11-29 10:46
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Research Highlights : Dr.MoumitaMalakar's area of specialization(s) are Dry flower production, Post-harvest study and Value-addition in ornamental tropical flowering crops and Genetic relatedness study in ornamental(s). As a Floriculture researcher, the principal contributions are on the analysis of diversity of Heliconia genotypes, available in Eastern India, using DNA and physiognomic markers, determination of pollen fertility and stigma receptivity status and standardization of their vase-life extending chemical solutions; overall, the popularization of Heliconia, a ‘Specialty-Tropical-Cut-Flower’, as mainstream cut bloom. The former two scientific findings can cause the advancement in Heliconia’s breeding research while the later finding may facilitate its acceptance as cut flower to the consumers. The development of ‘Dry Flora’ as a Sustainable alternative of fresh flowers can favor towards the benign scientific advancement. She has written more than 20 research papers and articles, published in different National and International reputed, referred and peer reviewed research journals and also has penned 7 book chapters under International (Springer, CRC press: Taylor & Francis etc.) and National publishers. Recent Publications : 1. Malakar, M1*., Paiva, P. D. D. O., Beruto, M. I., & Rodrigues Da Cunha Neto, A. Review of recent advances in post-harvest techniques for tropical cut flowers and future prospects: Heliconia as a case-study. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1221346. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1221346. (Impact factor: 6.627; Scopus indexed Journal [Q1]) 2. Malakar, M1*., Beruto, M & Gonzalez, RB. 2022. Biotechnological approaches to overcome hybridization barriers and use of micropropagation tool for further improvement in Heliconia – A review. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 149: 503-522.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-022-02300-w (Impact factor: 3.0; Scopus indexed Journal [Q1] ) 3. Malakar, M1*., Acharyya, P & Biswas, S. 2020. Molecular characterization of ten Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) genotypes by means of RAPD markers. ActaHorticulturae. 1288: 95-102. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1288.14. (Impact factor: 0.23; Scopus indexed Journal ) 4. Malakar, M1*., Acharyya, P & Biswas, S. 2020. Discernment of pollen grain fertility and stigma receptivity applying Hasty-Easy techniques of Heliconia L. species under optical microscope. ActaHorticulturae. 1288: 139-147. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1288.21 (Impact factor: 0.23; Scopus indexed Journal) 5. Malakar, M1*., and Biswas S. (2021). Heliconias: Dramatic Flowers of the Tropics and Subtropics. In: Datta S.K., Gupta Y.C. (eds) Floriculture and Ornamental Plants. Handbooks of Crop Diversity: Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1554-5_26-1. 6. Malakar M1*., and Biswas S. (2021). Mirabilis: Medicinal Uses and Conservation. In: Datta S.K., Gupta Y.C. (eds) Floriculture and Ornamental Plants. Handbooks of Crop Diversity: Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1554-5_28-1. 7. Malakar, M*. 2023. Eucalyptus Spp.: A Wonder Tree. In: Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- Production, Processing, and Pharmaceutics. Vol 1: New York: Apple Academic Press; distributed by – CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781774914885. (Link: https://www.appleacademicpress.com/advances-in-medicinal-and-aromatic-plants-production-processing-and-pharmaceutics-2-volume-set/9781774914885). 8. Malakar, M*. 2023. Lavandula Spp. (Lavender): A Herb More Than Just a Relaxing Scent. In: Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- Production, Processing, and Pharmaceutics. Vol 1: New York: Apple Academic Press; distributed by- CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781774914885 (Link: https://www.appleacademicpress.com/advances-in-medicinal-and-aromatic-plants-production-processing-and-pharmaceutics-2-volume-set/9781774914885). 9. Malakar, M1*., and Beruto, M. 2023. The benefits of ornamental plants on human health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ChronicaHorticulturae (Belgium). 63(1): 8-15. 10. Malakar, M1*., and Mandal, D. 2023. Ocimum Spp. (Basil): An Incredible Plant. In: Advances in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- Production, Processing, and Pharmaceutics. Vol 1: New York: Apple Academic Press; distributed by-CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN:9781774914885 (Link: https://www.appleacademicpress.com/advances-in-medicinal-and-aromatic-plants-production-processing-and-pharmaceutics-2-volume-set/9781774914885) |