In the field of Development studies (Healthcare, Financial Inclusion and Self Help Groups, Tribal Studies, etc.).
PhD guidance: Awarded: 05; Submitted: 01; Guiding 02; M.Phil. (Awarded):01
Citations: 90; h index: 7.
Rajagopal, N (2023). Factors contributing to the economic benefits of neighbourhood groups of Kudumbshree in Kerala. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(1), 132- 139. (Scopus)
Rajagopal N (2020). COVID-19 and Insolvency Law, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 57(10),5 (Scopus).
Rajagopal N (2020). India in GHI 2020, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 55(43):5 (Scopus).
Rajagopal, N. (2020). MPI and COVID-19, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 55(34):4-5. (Scopus)
Rajagopal, N (2020). Social Impact of Women SHGs: A Study of NHGs of ‘Kudumbashree’ in Kerala, Management and Labour Studies, 45 (3), 317–36. (Scopus) 77/ 025 8- 0 42X20922116.
Loganathan, S and Rajagopal, N (2020). Changing pattern in the preference of Healthcare Choice; A Longitudinal study of the migrant and Non-migrant households in India, Studies in
Indian Place Names, 40(60), 1039-1051. (UGC Care List).
Palathingal Deepa1, Rajagopal N (2020), ‘Gender-based Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Organic Vegetable Farmers of North Kerala’, Indian Journal of Economics and Development. 16 (1), 131-136. Scopus
Gayathri, R.; Rajagopal, N (2019). Multidimensional Poverty Index: An Analysis of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Economics and Development,15 (2), 177–185 (Scopus).