Dr. N. Rajagopal

Dr. N. Rajagopal

Name: Dr. N. Rajagopal
Designation: Professor
Phone: 04366-277290
Email: rajagopal@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Prof. Rajagopal. N works in the Department of Economics at the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu. He has got 24 years of teaching and research experience. He is awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. He published more than 40 articles in reputed journals, including Scopus Indexed. He consistently engages in research and publications. He received major research projects funded by ICSSR and National Commission for Women (NCW), New Delhi. Dr Rajagopal did his PhD from Gandhigram Rural University in the research area of Health care Utilisation™. His research works are in the field of Development studies (Healthcare, Financial Inclusion and Self Help Groups, Tribal Studies, etc.). PhD guidance: Awarded: 05; Submitted: 01; Guiding 02; M.Phil. (Awarded):01 Citations: 90; h index: 7.

Research Highlights :

In the field of Development studies (Healthcare, Financial Inclusion and Self Help Groups, Tribal Studies, etc.).

PhD guidance: Awarded: 05; Submitted: 01; Guiding 02; M.Phil. (Awarded):01
Citations: 90; h index: 7.

Recent Publications :

Rajagopal, N (2023). Factors contributing to the economic benefits of neighbourhood groups of Kudumbshree in Kerala. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(1), 132- 139. (Scopus) https://www.soed.in/article/737.

Rajagopal N (2020). COVID-19 and Insolvency Law, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 57(10),5 (Scopus). https://www.epw.in/journal/2022/10/letters/covid-19-and-insolvency-

Rajagopal N (2020). India in GHI 2020, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 55(43):5 (Scopus). https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/43/letters/india-ghi-2020.html

Rajagopal, N. (2020). MPI and COVID-19, Economic and Political Weekly, Write-up 55(34):4-5. (Scopus) https://www.epw.in/journal/2022/10/letters/covid-19-and-insolvency-law.html

Rajagopal, N (2020). Social Impact of Women SHGs: A Study of NHGs of ‘Kudumbashree’ in Kerala, Management and Labour Studies, 45 (3), 317–36. (Scopus) 
https://doi.org/10.11 77/ 025 8- 0 42X20922116.

Loganathan, S and Rajagopal, N (2020). Changing pattern in the preference of Healthcare Choice; A Longitudinal study of the migrant and Non-migrant households in India, Studies in
Indian Place Names, 40(60), 1039-1051. (UGC Care List).

Palathingal Deepa1, Rajagopal N (2020), ‘Gender-based Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Organic Vegetable Farmers of North Kerala’, Indian Journal of Economics and Development. 16 (1), 131-136. Scopus  https://www.soed.in/article/123.

Gayathri, R.; Rajagopal, N (2019). Multidimensional Poverty Index: An Analysis of Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Economics and Development,15 (2), 177–185 (Scopus). https://www.soed.in/article/27.

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