Dr. Selvaraj Kandasamy

Dr. Selvaraj Kandasamy

Name: Dr. Selvaraj Kandasamy
Designation: Professor
Phone: 04366-277230
Email: selvaraj@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Dr. Selvaraj Kandasamy (Raj) obtained his M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Madras, India. Dr. Raj was working as Research Associate at Ocean Science and Technology Cell, Mangalore University in India during 2002‒2003 and then he joined as Post-Doctoral Fellow in Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University and Academia Sinica in Taiwan during the years 2004‒2011. Subsequently, he worked as Associate Professor of State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Department of Geological Oceanography in the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences in Xiamen University, China since 2011. Dr. Raj joined as Associate Professor of Geology, Central University of Kerala, on August 2022 and then he moved as Professor of Geology, Central University of Tamil Nadu, on November 2023. He is a member of various international bodies such AGU, EGU, AOGS, GS and PAGES. He also served as Editorial Board member of Elsevier Journals (Paleo3, QI) and currently serving as Associate Editor of Frontiers in Marine Science and Current Chinese Science. Dr. Raj has published more than 80research articles in Scopus, peer reviewed national and international journals (Nature, Nature Geoscience, ESR, GCA, GRL, FMS, QSR, JGR, JG, MG, Paleo-3, JQS, Sedimentology, Current Science, JGSI, etc.). He also presented his research findings in national and international conferences and meetings conducted by AGU, EGU, GSA, AOGS and PAGES. Dr. Raj has completed one major research project as Principal Investigator funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China and five minor projects funded by various organizations and funding agencies in China and Taiwan. He has participated more than ten cruise programs in Indian and Chinese marginal seas and oversee the research activities onboard. He also served as external examiner of Ph.D. and D.Sc. theses for Andhra, Berhampur, Bharathidasan, Gandhigram Rural, Madras, and Periyar Universities.

Research Highlights :

1.Specific Topics

Expertise in land to ocean organic carbon transfer using stable and radiocarbon isotopes (δ13C and Δ14C), and end-member mixing models of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes and bromine to organic carbon ratio – Marine Biogeochemistry/Geology

Specialized in evolution of Late Quaternary oceanographic processes and climate in marginal seas of the western Pacific and Indian Ocean – Reconstruction of glacial-interglacial climatic variations based on sediment geochemical and isotopic proxies – Paleoceanography/Paleoclimatology

2. Sea-going Experience

Sagar Kanya Cruise: SK177 (11 days, 2002), SK181 (10 days, 2002), SK185 (11 days, 2003) - Northern Indian Ocean

Ocean Researcher I (19 days, 2004) - South China Sea

Ocean Researcher III (10 days, 2004), 7 days (2005) - Taiwan Strait

Ocean Researcher III 1149 (12 days, 2006) - Western Pacific & Luzon Strait

Ocean Researcher II (4 days, 2005) Taiwan Strait; (3 days, 2010) - Off East Taiwan

3. Professional Activities

Associate Editor – Frontiers in Marine Science: Marine Biogeochemistry (since July 2015)

Associate Editor – Current Chinese Science (Since March 2020)

Recent Publications :

  1. Temperature is a better predictor of stable carbon isotopic compositions of marine particulates than dissolved CO2 concentration, Commun. Earth Environ.2022 3:303, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00627.
  2. Roles of sediment supply, geochemical composition and monsoon on organic matter burial along the longitudinal mud belt in the East China Sea, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2021; 305:6686.
  3. Estimation of marine vs. terrestrial organic carbon in sediments off southwestern Taiwan using the bromine to total organic carbon ratio as a proxy, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci. 2018; 123:33873402.

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