Dr. Suchitra Rakesh

Dr. Suchitra Rakesh

Name: Dr. Suchitra Rakesh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone: 04366-277230
Email: suchitrar@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Dr. Suchitra Rakesh is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Central University of Tamil Nadu from 2017. She has completed her M. Sc and Ph.D. in Agricultural Microbiology from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She obtained her Post Doctoral Experience from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. She has been awarded as University Gold Medalist for her Ph.D. She has embarked on her research potential for a clean and green energy. Her research is mainly focused on sustainable bioconversion; in particular, her idea is to produce biofuels from agricultural wastes and algae. She also works on wastewater treatment. She has 8 years of teaching and research experience. She was awarded DST_SERB project of 35 lakhs to execute research on biodiesel production using co-cultivation of yeast and microalgae. Currently two research scholars are doing their Ph. D under her guidance. Being an interdisciplinary area researcher, she is working on hot topics related to sustainable energy production from microbial fuel cells, algal lipid, biohydrogen from wastewater, and so on. She has authored more than 20 research articles in peer reviewed journal as co-responding author and more than 10 book chapters with International Publisher’s like Springer, Nova, Taylor & Francis etc.

Research Highlights :

Her research areas encompass Algal biofuel production, downstream processing, fermentation, phytoremediation, biological wastewater treatment, biosorption, microbial fuel cells, biofuels, and adsorption of heavy metals, to list a few. Her research is highly focused on problems related to environmental issues, especially liquid and solid waste management.

Recent Publications :

  1. Ray, B., Jayakumar, T., & Rakesh, S. (2023). Comparative analysis of lipid content in mono and co-culture microalgae for potential biodiesel production using diverse cell disruption techniques. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-9.
  2. Jayakumar, T., & Rakesh, S. (2022). A study exploring the effects of cell disruption techniques on lipid recovery in co-cultivated microalgae and oleaginous yeast. BioEnergy Research, 1-11.
  3. Jothibasu, K., Muniraj, I., Jayakumar, T., Ray, B., Dhar, D. W., Karthikeyan, S., & Rakesh, S. (2022). Impact of microalgal cell wall biology on downstream processing and nutrient removal for fuels and value-added products. Biochemical Engineering Journal187, 108642.
  4. Ray, B., & Rakesh, S. (2022). Phycoremediation of aquaculture wastewater and algal lipid extraction for fuel conversion. Highlights in BioScience5.
  5. Jothibasu, K., Dhar, D. W., & Rakesh, S. (2021). Recent developments in microalgal genome editing for enhancing lipid accumulation and biofuel recovery. Biomass and Bioenergy150, 106093.
  6. Rakesh, S., TharunKumar, J., Gudelli, B., Karuppaiyan, J., & Karthikeyan, S. (2020). Sustainable Cost-Effective Microalgae Harvesting Strategies for the Production of Biofuel and Oleochemicals. Highlights in BioScience3.
  7. Arathi, S., Kumar, J. T., Jothibasu, K., Karthikeyan, S., & Suchitra, R. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative estimation of algal lipids for biofuel production. IJCS8(4), 2451-2459.
  8. Rakesh, S., Poonguzhali, S., Saranya, B., Suguna, S., & Jothibasu, K. (2017). Effect of Panchagavya on growth and yield of abelmoschus esculentus cv. Arka Anamika. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences6(9), 3090-3097.
  9. Rakesh, S., Dhar, D. W., Prasanna, R., Saxena, A. K., Saha, S., Shukla, M., & Sharma, K. (2015). Cell disruption methods for improving lipid extraction efficiency in unicellular microalgae. Engineering in Life Sciences15(4), 443-447.
  10. Rakesh, S., Saxena, S., Dhar, D. W., Prasanna, R., & Saxena, A. K. (2014). Comparative evaluation of inorganic and organic amendments for their flocculation efficiency of selected microalgae. Journal of applied phycology26, 399-406.

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