Schools And Departments

Schools And Departments

School of Basic and Applied Sciences
School of Basic and Applied Sciences

The University has established many schools with wider flexibility, on par with a faculty status to achieve its avowed objective of intellectual and comprehensive development of its students community, ably supported by a team of faculty who are well qualified, competent, vibrant, innovative and highly resourceful in their respective domains.

The schools encourage flexible methodology, having multidisciplinary system with purposeful interdisciplinary perception, aiming at the emancipation of knowledge in core and applied facets of education.

School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Prof. T. Mohandas Dean School of Basic and Applied Sciences

physics chemistry
Contact Info:
Dean – School of Basic and Applied Sciences
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Thiruvarur – 610 005
School of Mathematics & Computer Science
School of Mathematics & Computer Science

The University has established many schools with wider flexibility, on par with a faculty status to achieve its avowed objective
of intellectual and comprehensive development of its students community, ably supported by a team of faculty who are well
qualified, competent, vibrant, innovative and highly resourceful in their respective domains.

The schools encourage flexible methodology, having multidisciplinary system with purposeful interdisciplinary perception,
aiming at the emancipation of knowledge in core and applied facets of education.

School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Prof. T. Sengadir
School of Mathematics & Computer Science

maths computer applied-maths
Contact Info:
Dean – School of Mathematics & Computer Science
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Thiruvarur – 610 005
School of Social Sciences & Humanities
School of Social Sciences & Humanities

The University has established many schools with wider flexibility, on par with a faculty status to achieve its avowed objective
of intellectual and comprehensive development of its students community, ably supported by a team of faculty who are well
qualified, competent, vibrant, innovative and highly resourceful in their respective domains.

The schools encourage flexible methodology, having multidisciplinary system with purposeful interdisciplinary perception,
aiming at the emancipation of knowledge in core and applied facets of education.

School of Social Sciences _ Humanities

Prof. P. Velmurugan

School of Social Sciences & Humanities

Contact Info:
Dean – School of Social Sciences & Humanities
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Thiruvarur – 610 005

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