Dr. B. J. Geetha

Dr. B. J. Geetha

Name: Dr. B. J. Geetha
Designation: Professor & Head
Phone: 04366-277290
Email: geethabj@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Dr.B.J.Geetha is working as Associate Professor of English Studies at Central University of Tamilnadu. She has 23 years of teaching experience and 18 years of research experience. She has published two books, edited one book and two journals, and published 66 research articles in the UGC CARE listed journals, peer-reviewed, Scopus indexed journals with impact factor. She has completed a UGC funded project. She has presented academic and research papers in national and international conferences.Her research interests are Drama, Ecocritical Studies, Subaltern Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Feminist’s discourse and Posthumanism. She has been serving as editorial member in four peer-reviewed international journals. She has organized many national, international conferences, workshops, and seminars. She visited countries like University of Ghana, Legon and Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, to present papers. She has delivered many invited talks as resource person in many national and international conferences, workshops and Refresher courses. She has successfully guided 48 PG projects and 24 M.Phil dissertations. She has produced 3 Ph.D. scholars in the emerging and frontiers areas of research. She has been associated with a e-content project offered by Vidya-Mitra: Integrated e-Content Creation for Students, MHRD as language editor. She has been awarded as the Best Woman Researcher - a special jury award by the Bodhi International journal along with the American College, Madurai in 2021 for her research contributions.

Research Highlights :

The research domain engages with inquiries on popular culture, inclusive society, gender stereotyping ,gender claiming and disclaiming, postfeminist perspectives, the voice of children and their significance in the ever-mutative world of futuristic anxieties, posthuman dilemma and ethics, and the paradigm drifts in the canonical ideologies in drama, postcolonial studies, ecocriticism, gender studies, and posthumanism.

Recent Publications :

1.Geetha B J(2018)An Exploration and Equation of Canadian Prairie Landscape with Metaphorical Wilderness in Aritha Van Herk’s No Fixed Address- Bodhi-2018 Bodhi International Peer Reviewed Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science E-ISSN 2456-5571,  Special Issue 10 ,(323-330 ).

2. Geetha B J (July 2018). Dislocated Identity and Cross-cultural Conflict in Bharathi Mukerjee’s Jasmine- IJELLH International Peer –reviewed Journal of English Language and Literature in Humanities Indexed, Peer Reviewed (refereed), UGC Approved Journal  ISSN-23217065,  Serial No-43079 ,Vol-6, Issue 7  (557-570).

3.Maria Jennifer Liny U., Geetha B J ( January 2019)The Unification of Family through food in Afghan Culture in the select novels of Khaled Hosseini -Language in India, UGC approved journal, serial no: 49042- ISSN 1930- 2940, Special Issue, (322-326).

4.Maria Jennifer Liny U., Geetha B J(2020)Depiction of Culture and Identity of Afghanistan Depicted in the Novels of Khaled Hosseini- Infokara Research Journal, International journal with impact factor-5.3(390-400) Volume 9, Issue 3, ISSN NO: 1021-9056.


5.Joshua Gnanaraj., Geetha B J(2020)Altering Behaviours Through Poetry: An Analysis of Select Poems by Mary Ann Lamb, PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egypotology, PJAEE,17(11) ISSN 1567-214x. SJR, Scimago journal, Scopus indexed. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/5650 (377-379).

6.Geetha B J (July 2021) Graphical and Structural Exploration in Joseph Lambert’s Annie Sullivan and The Trials of Helen Keller- Bodhi International Peer Reviewed Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science , an Online Peer Reviewed, Refereed Quarterly Journal  E-ISSN 2456-5571(60-65).

7.Geetha B J (July-December 2021)The Cornucopia of Food Imageries as Female Confinement and Empowerment: A Gender Prescription in Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate, Caraivéti Démarche de sagesse Peer Reviewed and Refereed Biannual International Journal- UGC CARE Listed Journal ,Vol. V Issue 1 ISSN : 2456-9690(25-35).

8.Geetha B J,(February 2022) Traumatic Memory of Partition and Decoding the Stimuli of Cataclysmic Narration in the Select Short Stories of Saadat Hassan Manto in Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches -A Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Quarterly (44-52).

9.Radhika Padmanaban., Geetha B J(July-December 2022 3(2SE)In the Angst of The Invisible Existence: Mirroring the Existential Dilemma Using Bodily Metaphors in the Selected Poems of Jayanta Mahapatra and Keki N Daruwalla published in ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts is a half-yearly journal of visual and performing arts, UGC Care Listed Journal (96-103).

DoI- https://doi.org/10.29121/shodhkosh.v3.i2SE.2022.252.

10.Radhika Padmanaban., Geetha B J(April 2023)On ‘Being’ Possessed: A Re-Reading of G Aravindan’s Kummaty Using Foucauldian Notions of Power, Knowledge, and Discourse –Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science vol 7, No 3(70-77)E-ISSN: 2456-5571.

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