Dr. B. J. Geetha
July 29, 2023 2024-08-21 20:08
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Research Highlights : The research domain engages with inquiries on popular culture, inclusive society, gender stereotyping ,gender claiming and disclaiming, postfeminist perspectives, the voice of children and their significance in the ever-mutative world of futuristic anxieties, posthuman dilemma and ethics, and the paradigm drifts in the canonical ideologies in drama, postcolonial studies, ecocriticism, gender studies, and posthumanism. Recent Publications : 1.Geetha B J(2018)An Exploration and Equation of Canadian Prairie Landscape with Metaphorical Wilderness in Aritha Van Herk’s No Fixed Address- Bodhi-2018 Bodhi International Peer Reviewed Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science E-ISSN 2456-5571, Special Issue 10 ,(323-330 ). 2. Geetha B J (July 2018). Dislocated Identity and Cross-cultural Conflict in Bharathi Mukerjee’s Jasmine- IJELLH International Peer –reviewed Journal of English Language and Literature in Humanities Indexed, Peer Reviewed (refereed), UGC Approved Journal ISSN-23217065, Serial No-43079 ,Vol-6, Issue 7 (557-570). 3.Maria Jennifer Liny U., Geetha B J ( January 2019)The Unification of Family through food in Afghan Culture in the select novels of Khaled Hosseini -Language in India, UGC approved journal, serial no: 49042- ISSN 1930- 2940, Special Issue, (322-326). 4.Maria Jennifer Liny U., Geetha B J(2020)Depiction of Culture and Identity of Afghanistan Depicted in the Novels of Khaled Hosseini- Infokara Research Journal, International journal with impact factor-5.3(390-400) Volume 9, Issue 3, ISSN NO: 1021-9056. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fnfxeD8Sew6x_OqJzAv3W67rMPfqibxN 5.Joshua Gnanaraj., Geetha B J(2020)Altering Behaviours Through Poetry: An Analysis of Select Poems by Mary Ann Lamb, PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egypotology, PJAEE,17(11) ISSN 1567-214x. SJR, Scimago journal, Scopus indexed. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/5650 (377-379). 6.Geetha B J (July 2021) Graphical and Structural Exploration in Joseph Lambert’s Annie Sullivan and The Trials of Helen Keller- Bodhi International Peer Reviewed Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science , an Online Peer Reviewed, Refereed Quarterly Journal E-ISSN 2456-5571(60-65). 7.Geetha B J (July-December 2021)The Cornucopia of Food Imageries as Female Confinement and Empowerment: A Gender Prescription in Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate, Caraivéti Démarche de sagesse Peer Reviewed and Refereed Biannual International Journal- UGC CARE Listed Journal ,Vol. V Issue 1 ISSN : 2456-9690(25-35). 8.Geetha B J,(February 2022) Traumatic Memory of Partition and Decoding the Stimuli of Cataclysmic Narration in the Select Short Stories of Saadat Hassan Manto in Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches -A Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Quarterly (44-52). 9.Radhika Padmanaban., Geetha B J(July-December 2022 3(2SE)In the Angst of The Invisible Existence: Mirroring the Existential Dilemma Using Bodily Metaphors in the Selected Poems of Jayanta Mahapatra and Keki N Daruwalla published in ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts is a half-yearly journal of visual and performing arts, UGC Care Listed Journal (96-103). DoI- https://doi.org/10.29121/shodhkosh.v3.i2SE.2022.252. 10.Radhika Padmanaban., Geetha B J(April 2023)On ‘Being’ Possessed: A Re-Reading of G Aravindan’s Kummaty Using Foucauldian Notions of Power, Knowledge, and Discourse –Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science vol 7, No 3(70-77)E-ISSN: 2456-5571. |