Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi

Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi

Name: Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi
Designation: Professor & Head
Phone: 04366-277230
Email: vijayalakshmi@cutn.ac.in


Biographic Sketch:
Dr .C Vijayalakshmi is presently working as Professor and Head in the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. The teaching milestone records the successful completion of 23 years of service in various academic institutions and industry. She is an expert in team building. She works with multidisciplinary departments to achieve academic and administrative accomplishments. She has published 131 research articles in reputed journals with high impact factor. She has also published 79 papers in conference proceedings. The Google scholar citation is 320 with h-index 10. To her credit she has published 5 patents and 5 monographs. She is also a recipient of 10 best paper awards. Her credentials include the completion of a project in "" BRFST"" for Rs. 30 lakhs at Sathyabama University and she is a recipient of Seed Fund for Rs.3 lakhs at Vellore Institute of Technology. She has delivered International, National invited talks and lectures. She is also an active member in Board of Studies, Ph.D Doctoral Committee and has also acted as Ph.D viva voce examiner in various State and Central universities. She has guided 15 Ph.D research scholars. She has organized nearly 95 events of various criteria that include, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops and Conferences both at National and international levels. She is the recipient of many awards entitled Best Professor by ASDF, Pondicherry Government, Lion’s Club International, VIT University, Raman & Ramanujam and Bharath Jyothi Award. She has received the first prize for the innovation titled Emotion Extraction through Art using Deep Learning for Autism children, organized by MHRD-ICC, Central University of Tamil Nadu in 2022. She has mentored two Research projects in the research idea contest organized by the Indo -Korea Science and Technology Centre in collaboration with Christ University (PRISM 2022-2023) and won Encouragement Prize entitled (i)Implementation of Artificial Intelligence techniques to Mitigate child abuse and child trafficking (ii) Design of a Touch and Voice Assisted Multilingual Communication system for Intensive Care Unit(ICU) patients. With great zeal she is marching forward with determination to serve the student community and the society at large.

Research Highlights :

Research Interests includes Optimization Algorithms,Stochastic and Statistical Models
Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Published paper in Water Research-Elsevier- with impact factor 7.621,in collaboration with  VIT , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.07.006.

Recent Publications :

  1. Mahesh Ganesapillai, Rishabh Mehta, Aditya Tiwari , Aritro Sinha , Harshdeep Singh  Bakshi, Vijayalakshmi Chellappa, Jakub Drewn owski (2023), Waste to energy: Are view of biochar production with emphasis on mathematical modelling and its applications, Science Direct, Elsevier, Heliyon, Vol-9, Issue 4, pp 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14873, Impact Factor 3.776.
  2. Mahesh Ganesapillai, Aditya Tiwari, Rishabh Mehta, Aritro Sinha, Ishita Sarkar, Bidisha Mondal, Vijayalakshmi Chellappa & Amritbir Riar (2023) Is the pandemic masking waste management? – A review on fallout of the COVID-19 viral contagion, Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, Taylor & Francis, 16:1, 2164224, DOI:10.1080/17518253.2022.2164224, Impact Factor: 4.99.
  3. Yuvarani. C and C. Vijayalakshmi (2023), Simulation of batch arrival queuing model using Artificial Neural Network, Purakala, UGC care approved Journal, 32(1), 280-286.
  4. M. Premalatha and C. Vijayalakshmi (2023), Weighted Support Vector Machine Classification by using Confidence Parameters for Unbalanced Sampling Target Data Set, Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and its Application, CRC press, Taylor & Francis     Group,     London,,vol-1,pp-346-351, ISBN:978-1-032-48410-5, doi.org/10.1201/9781003388913-46.
  5. Vijayalakshmi Chellappa and Rajesh Kanna Baskaran (2023), Dehaze Information Removal Using Deep Learning Framework, AIP Conf. Proc. 2797, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0149962,pp-070006-1 to 9, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0149962, Impact factor:0.41.
  6. Sivalingam, Vinitha Vijayan, Ganesh Nair, Athira, Sindhu. Karyankandi Puthanpurayile, Sowmya Adapa, Sahithi Pesala and Vijayalakshmi Chellappa (2023), Implementation of Statistical Techniques to Analyze Agriculture Data, AIP Conf. Proc.2797, pp-070000-1 to 17, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0149053, Impact factor: 0.41.
  7. Mahesh Ganesapillai et al. and C. Vijayalakshmi (2022), An experimental study probing moisture kinetics and indices of microwave dried fecal sludge with an insight on real world applications, Separation science and technology, pp:1-15, Taylor and Francis, LLC, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/01496395.2022.2041034, Impact factor: 2.15.
  8. Mahesh Ganesapillai et al. and C. Vijayalakshmi (2022), Design and Analysis of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for achieving self-sustainability in sanitation, Applied Sciences, pp-1-21,2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/app12073384, Impact factor: 2.838.
  9. Premalatha, M., Vijayalakshmi. C (2022). Randomly Selection of Interior Points in SV Learning Algorithm Uses of Confidence Parameter. In: Peng, SL., Lin, CK., Pal, S. (eds) Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol1422. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-0182-9_29.
  10. R. Subramani and C. Vijayalakshmi (2022), Augmented Lagrangian Model to analyze the synergies of Electric Urban Transport systems and Energy distribution in smart cities, Smart Buildings Digitalization,pp-189-202, CRC press, Taylor and Francis group, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003240853,ISBN978-1-032-14642-3.

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