Name: Dr. M. Ponmurugan Designation: Assistant Professor Phone: 8526390005
Biographic Sketch:
After completing my Ph.D. in Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic research, Kalpakkam, India pursued my Post doctoral research work in the University of Reading, UK and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India. Joined as a regular faculty in department of Physics, CUTN as the Assistant Professor in the year January 2012.
Continuing the profession currently with three Ph.D. scholars and two master project students. One Ph.D., one M.Phil. and more than twenty master project students completed their research thesis under my guidance.
My focus is to train the graduate students to build their individual abilities in the course content. All my master project students are placed in well esteemed institutions in Europe, UK and USA. Two of the Integrated MSc. Students' works published in Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) journal: Physics Education.
The central focus of my research work is to apply the concept of statistical mechanics in the theoretical, computational and experimental study of different kinds of condensed and soft condensed matter systems, heat devices, quantum thermodynamics systems and the application of Artificial Intelligence based Deep learning to understand further the above systems.
Research Highlights :
The central focus of my research work is to apply the concept of statistical mechanics in the theoretical, computational and experimental study of different kinds of systems such as polymers, molecular motors, polymer melts, heat engines, low dimensional magnetic systems, Black holes, etc. Recently, I also focused on two emerging fields of quantum thermodynamics and Deep learning. Two of my research students recently submitted their Ph.D. thesis in the area of quantum thermodynamics and Monte Carlo simulation of low dimensional magnetic systems. Three master project students completed their project work in the field of Deep Learning.
Recent Publications :
1. Crystal growth and magnetic properties of the coupled alternating S=1 spin chain Sr2Ni(SeO3)3†R. Madhumathy, K. Saranya, K. Moovendaran, K. Ramesh Babu, Arpita Rana, Kwang-Yong Choi, Heung-Sik Kim, Wei-Tin Chen, M. Ponmurugan, R. Sankar, and I .Panneer Muthuselvam, Physical Review B 107, 214406 (2023).
2. Spin-singlet ground state of the coupled Jeff =1/2 alternating chain system Sr2Co(SeO3)3â€, I. Panneer Muthuselvam, R. Madhumathy, K. Saranya,, K. Moovendaran, Suheon Lee, Kwang-Yong Choi, Wei-tin Chen, Chin-Wei Wang, Peng-Jen Chen, M. Ponmurugan, Min-nan Ou, Yang-Yuan Chen, Heung-Sik Kim and R. Sankar, Physical Review B 106, 214417 (2022).
3. Single-walled Ising nanotube with opposite sign of interactions using Wang-Landau algorithm†A Arul Anne Elden and M Ponmurugan, The European Physical Journal Plus 137 (12), 1305 (2022).
4. Monte Carlo investigation of phase changes and the order of transition of Ising modeled single-walled nanotube†A Arul Anne Elden and M Ponmurugan, The European Physical Journal Plus 137 (5), 529 (2022).
5. The invariant-based shortcut to adiabaticity for qubit heat engine operates under quantum Otto cycle†T Kiran and M Ponmurugan, The European Physical Journal Plus 137 (3), 15 (2022).
6. Optimized Coefficient of performance of Power law dissipative Carnot like Refrigerator†K Nilavarasi and M Ponmurugan, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 590, 126700 (2022).
7. Optimized efficiency at maximum figure of merit and efficient power of power law dissipative Carnot-like heat engines†K Nilavarasi and M Ponmurugan, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 043208 (2021).
8. Invariant-based investigation of shortcut to adiabaticity for quantum harmonic oscillators under a time-varying frictional force†T Kiran and M Ponmurugan, Physical Review A 103, 042206 (2021).
9. Efficiency at the maximum power of the power law dissipative Carnot-like Heat engines with non-adiabatic dissipation†M Ponmurugan, Commun. Theor. Phys. 72, 025601 (2020).
10. Heat engine model exhibit super-universal feature and capture the efficiencies of different power plants†M Ponmurugan, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 113202 (2019).